For a higher mind2023-12-12T14:29:28+01:00






Design, PR, Products

Project Description

For a higher mind

One Hitter and pipes with style, handcrafted rolling trays, exquisite crushers.

Project Description

According to the German federal government's plans, a partial legalization of cannabis is expected in 2024. The specific details are still under discussion, but one thing is clear: many companies, including the Munich-based start-up AURIEY, are gearing up for the anticipated legalization. Founded in 2022, well before the legalization plans were finalized, the start-up specializes in the distribution of cannabis accessories. These accessories combat the stigmatized image of the medicinal plant through their unique design and high quality. The company’s co-founders, Philipp von Frankenberg and Anna Grafe-Busch, are pioneers in their field in the European market. Philipp believes that a shift in societal attitudes is crucial, something AURIEY actively promotes through its products: "I hope, above all, that the non-consuming part of the population can become more accepting of cannabis over time. Everyone has the freedom to choose whether or not to consume, but not everyone who consumes is a criminal. We accompany this with our products, expecting it to be similar to alcohol drinking wine directly from a tetra pack can be problematic, whereas wine from an elegant glass often symbolizes conscious, cultured consumption."
AURIEY also contributes to a conscious shift beyond its products, utilizing a high-quality, thoughtful visual language with distinctive recognition. Creative Directress Alexandra von Frankenberg views this not just as brand building but as an opportunity to connect with a community sharing similar values and to challenge the prevailing image of the “stoner”: “I believe understated communication is the most important tool because we must never forget that most people who have not encountered cannabis still have a certain skepticism towards consumers. Therefore, we focus on community building, as cannabis enthusiasts form a group with similar values, primarily rooted in humanity.”